10 events found.
Open Limousin Show
Broadbent Arena 937 Phillips Ln, Louisville, KY, United StatesSheep Viewable
Pavilion KY, United StatesView the Sheep while they're on site in the Pavilion.
Swine Viewable
Pavilion KY, United StatesView the Swine while they're on site in the Pavilion.
Beef Cattle Viewable
West Wing KY, United StatesView the Beef Cattle while they're on site in the West Wing, and you can catch them in the show ring at various times in Broadbent Arena.
World’s Championship Horse Show
Freedom HallUpper-level seating included with fair admission.
4-H Science Engineer and Tech Robotics Competition
South Wing B KY, United StatesLocated in Cloverville
Breakfast with the Queen
South Wing A Louisville, KY, United StatesFeaturing Kaelyn Sumner, Tom Ballinger, American Honey Queen, and Kentucky Beekeepers. Located at the Farm to Fair Cooking Stage in South Wing A Lobby
Blood Pressure Screenings
South Wing B KY, United StatesFind these free screenings at the UofL Health Booth in Health Horizons.
Featherweight Friday – Antique Sewing Machines
North Wing Louisville, KY, United StatesLocated in North Wing Lobby