10 events found.
Novice Lamb Showmanship & Novice Market Lamb Show
Pavilion KY, United StatesSwine Showmanship
Pavilion KY, United StatesWorld’s Championship Horse Show
Freedom HallUpper-level seating included with fair admission.
4-H Natural Resources Showcase
South Wing B KY, United StatesLocated in Cloverville
Blood Pressure Screenings
South Wing B KY, United StatesFind these free screenings at the UofL Health Booth in Health Horizons.
Louisville Chapter Embroiders Guild of America – Needlework
North Wing Louisville, KY, United StatesLocated in North Wing Lobby
Braided Rugs – Textiles
North Wing Louisville, KY, United StatesLocated in North Wing Lobby
Alpha Media Media Day
South Wing A Louisville, KY, United StatesLocated in the South Wing A Lobby. Enjoy meeting your favorite media personalities.
Education & Outreach Day
South Wing B KY, United StatesMeet educators from across the state that can teach you all about conservation! They will be in booth to answer questions about conservation camp, learning to hunt or fish, and to get you information about how to win a prize kayak! Located at the Ky Dept of Fish & Wildlife booth in South Wing B.